Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Blend of Family, Surprise & Love

Brian & Brandilyn...and family.

One Girl....

One Boy....

One Street....

Leads to Love.

Who knew that when a great friend asked me to capture some pictures of her new "blended family" that this would happen???

But because it did, it led me to make a stop on the way to our next location for one very specific reason.... CHALK!

What better way to share the news with the world?  And what better way to build new memories than to capture the love between two families.

A dad and his daughter....

A mom and her daughters....

Together create....

Congratulations to a simply BEAUTIFUL family.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Meet Emerson

Meet Emerson....

An adorable 2 year old with gorgeous eyes.....

Who loves to suck his thumb.....

And has a huge curiosity for helicopters....

I just can't say enough about capturing the spirit and innocence in this little guy, except that I am in LOVE.
It's not always in the staged and propped settings where you can see into the heart of person -
Big or Little.
As long as it's in the moment, you can find it.