Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Fresh Breath of a Classic: Meet the Weaston Family

Oh, my blog, how I have missed you!
It is true I have not been here in quite some time.  And there is good reason for it.
This time of year is consumed with one thing ... MINI SESSIONS.  It's what people wait for all year long.  And I won't complain, the sessions are short and sweet, and you typically know what to expect.  However, as a photographer, I can tell you - you start to feel a little like a machine.  Stand here, smile.  Look here, smile.  It works.  It gets the holiday card - family shot.  It's what people want.  And I get it!

(But there is more.)

I mean, why should you sometimes put aside that mini (low cost and fast, I know) to go all out?  Go for the big daddy - the Classic session?  Well, I'm about to show you. 

(And this isn't even all of them.)

A family that I love.  Full of energy and spunk, but overall grounded in what family really means.  And I got to capture it.  Right here, folks.  It's all right here.  Mimi even came along, which is absolutely amazing to have.  It's not often we get to capture generations in one and create memories to treasure forever.  And that's what I got to do today.  

In the midst of "Mini Madness", I got to take in the beauty of a Classic.
And I feel blessed to be able to share this with such a deserving family.

Meet the Weaston Family.

And I will be back - have some more Classics in the works...and after the holidays, my Mini wrap-up.  So be sure to come back soon!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Baby Boy Blue - One Week New

One of my favorite families ever, you may recognize this picture....

Well, it's been almost a year and they recently became a family of four.  Only a week new, you would never know with his alert eyes and 9+ pounds!!  (Mom is one amazing woman!)  It was so much fun to meet the new bundle and to see little Jack a year older and as big brother - even when he wasn't so thrilled to actually take part.

Congratulations Howard Family!!

Shadows: iheartfaces Photo Challenge

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.  When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." -- Buddha

To view more entries from this months photo challenge visit:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Love Bug: Meet Heidi Elizabeth

Soooo.....before I begin, I guess I should add a disclaimer.

I may just happen to be the (very proud) Aunt to this little bundle of sweets.  AND it may just be the first baby to my (best ever) younger sister.  AND it may just be the most recent baby in a long line of babies (this would be the 10th) in my band of siblings - however, the next youngest being 4! - meaning there hasn't been a baby around for quite some time.
What does this mean?


I had to wait an entire month before it was my "turn" to visit (from TX to CT).  And oh my goodness.... I LOVE HER.  People often refer to babies as "yummy" and I've always thought it a little strange...But she is SO YUMMY!  Sweet natured, a wonderful sleeper, the Best.Ever. expressions and already cooing and smiling at...well, at me of course...and her mommy and daddy (she's a genius, I tell ya).

We did have a true photo session while there, but because I was around for a week, I got to capture the lifestyle details whenever I chose.  Heaven!  I miss her like crazy - and can't wait to see her in a couple weeks when her (very anxious) cousins get to finally meet her.  But in the meantime, I will just have to stare at her sweet face on my computer screen.....

Meet, my niece, Heidi Elizabeth.

Congratulations on my beautiful niece, Mary and Hans.

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Hungry Little 1 Year Old

A big eyed boy with a curiosity that could fill a room.  And oh my goodness, just look at the outfit!...the onesie, the leggings and the shoes (and what you can't see is the diaper cover decorated with caterpillars!)!!
It's no secret that I love color and this shoot is a rainbow of just that.  It fills me with so much happiness, and I hope it does the same for you. 

Thank you Easton-Aguilar Family.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sunday Sunset Shoot: Meet the Kaul Family

Rain and clouds was the forecast for this family's Sunday evening shoot.  Even as I headed to the location, an ominous black raincloud was gathering in the distance.  But as luck would have it, it held off.  And not only did it hold off, but the evening gave us some gorgeous, warm light.  A beautiful family, that smiled the whole way through...even after a bee decided to wrap up our session a little faster than expected.

Meet the Kaul Family

Thank you Kaul Family!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

JUMP! iheartfaces Photo Challenge

With our summer vacation to the UK still fresh in my mind - in fact, post-edit work still in progress, and blog yet to be updated - I knew I had to share this image with the iheartfaces community for this month's challenge.

My husband and I had planned a special stop to Alnwick Castle, in Northumberland, England on our drive up to Scotland, specifically for my oldest daughter.  This was the site of Hogwarts in the first two Harry Potter films and as a Potter fan, I knew it would be something she wouldn't soon forget (don't kid yourself, I was just as excited!).  What I didn't know is that we could actually take "broomstick flying" lessons!  And with the magic of photography, I was able to freeze the magic of the day forever!


To view more entries in this month's iheartfaces challenge visit:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

4 Months of Cowgirl Charm

Can you believe this little one....

Is already 4 months old???!!!  Where does the time go?  And how lucky I am that I get to continue to watch and capture her grow.
This shoot was no different than before - so sweet and adorable - and so perfect in all the cowgirl charm.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Meet the Novak Brothers

It was many years ago, when I stood in front of Cinderella's castle with the wonderful parents of these two boys, as they FINALLY got engaged.  They were on a "quiet" ranch on the evening of Y2K when my love popped the same question to me.   I was there when wonderful parents of these two said "I Do"....And yup you guessed it, they were there for us as we said "I Do".  
It's a friendship that has been around for quite some time that's for sure!

Life, family and distance has stretched on over the years, but the friendship will always remain true.  So it meant a lot to me to get to photograph these two boys (one who is a spitting image of his Mom and the other reminding me so much of his Dad it's kinda scary!).  It was an ALL BOY shoot, but so much fun.  They knew how to work the camera that is for sure.  There is no doubt these two will be heartbreakers, oh, around the age I first met their Mom and Dad!  Great job, guys - you rocked it.

Meet the Novak Brothers

 Thanks Novak Family.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Double Trouble: The Swanson Sisters

This gorgeous duo are upcoming Seniors.  They may be attending two different schools, but that doesn't change the fact that they are both killer in front of the camera!!  And what's even more amazing is they are actually triplets!  Brother wasn't there to join this go round, but maybe we can keep an eye out for him next time.  

Meet The Swanson Sisters

Thanks girls.  Enjoy your upcoming Senior year...and Look out world!

Monday, June 17, 2013

What is LifeStyle Photography?

It's a term that seems to be spreading quickly in the photography world and becoming more commonly used these days to describe a professional photographers style of shooting, instead of a traditional "studio" shoot...but what does it mean?  By definition (well, ok, according to wikipedia), it is a style of photography that aims to capture and document real-life events, situations, or milestones in an artistic manner.  But again, what does that REALLY mean?  

To me, it means capturing life AS IS.  It is freezing in time some of the most rare and special moments that flitter in and out of every single day.  This includes the good, the bad, the dirty, the silly...all of it. Please understand, there is nothing wrong with a posed, placed, and styled shot.  This is often the intent or purpose behind a person's initial interest when they contact their photographer - and it may be their only interest.  And that's ok!  We all want that perfect picture of our family, looking at the camera, beautiful and happy.
But, to go back to a definition...what is the true meaning of beautiful?  

beau-ti-ful [byoo-tuh-fuh l]
1. having beauty; possessing qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind
2.  excellent of its kind
3.  wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying

My favorite part of this definition is: delighting the senses or mind.
When a picture strikes an emotion...and is not only captured but relayed through an image -
THAT is lifestyle photography.

When personalities shine through the screen/page without even trying -
THAT is lifestyle photography.

When everyday moments become something special that you want to keep them tucked away so you can one day use to tell stories, start conversations, and just remember when -
THAT is lifestyle photography.

Lifestyle photography sessions can be a scary thing for many people to invest their time, energy and money into.  I've heard it many times "You mean you want to shoot in MY house??  Are you crazy?  It's a disaster!"  Realize, I'm not there to photograph the chaos of your ten-day old pile of laundry, or on-the-edge-of-hoarding playroom -- we ALL have it.  It's the beauty that takes place around this insanity that is worth investing your time, energy and money into.  I promise.  And no, it doesn't have to take place in your home.  Just breath easy, and be comfortable where you are - allow your family to be comfortable where they are - and this will come across in each smile, giggle, frown and (sometimes) tear.

I consider myself to be a Lifestyle photographer because it is what drives my love of picking up my camera.  No matter where the "art of life" takes place.... the ice cream shop, local coffee shop, playground, splash pad, or even a backyard BBQ.  It is so fulfilling to see individual personalities shine through a lens...even when it comes from an unexpected place. 

It's been a ongoing dream of mine, to start "A Day in the Life" and actually follow a family, beginning from the moments they wake up and breakfast begins to the end of the day when bedtime stories are read and the littles are tucked in...thus, creating a story of their "life".  Is one day "Life"?  Maybe not, but just think of the memories that will be forever captured in story form.  It gives me goosebumps, just thinking about it.  Is this idea realistic?  I hope to one day make it my reality.  What do you think?  Are you in?

But until then, most importantly - just live in the moment - and document the moment.  Don't be afraid of showing your true side.  Don't be afraid of not getting "the perfect shot" - because less than perfect - is often the most beautiful.  Remember - does it delight the senses or mind?  Then it's beautiful.

And of course if you need someone to document those moments... I'm all yours.

A HUGE thank you to the Fuhrman family for allowing me into their home - and allowing me to be one of them for the afternoon.  Lunch, play, an art session and even bath time - it was absolutely brilliant from beginning to end.

Just for them and for you to enjoy.... a few more (because, believe me, I could create an album's worth).