Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New to Share in 2014: Meet Vincent

You just THOUGHT I disappeared!  When in fact I've been busier than ever!
First off, let me wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!  2014??!!  Wowzers.

My last blog was in mid-November.  This isn't because I don't have anything to share or haven't been working my tail's because with the holidays comes surprises!  Everyone is getting pictures for cards and gifts, so for me to share these pictures with the world ahead of time...well, how cruel would that be??

So - I've just been patiently waiting.  Over the next couple weeks I will be sharing.  I will be sharing -and gushing over - and bragging about - and THANKING all my wonderful families that I've worked with over the past couple months.  But first.....

Let me introduce this tiny little man...

Yup, he's adorable.  And an angel throughout his entire shoot.  AND His parents have been SO patient with me - as his shoot was over 2 weeks ago!!!  So thank you, thank you, Jackie and David for allowing me some "down-time" to spend the holidays focusing on my own family and craziness!

But as promised - here you go.
Your beautiful family.

You would never know Dad kicks my BEHIND on a regular basis (well, before my holiday workload got in the way) at Crossfit.  He's an amazing trainer, but moreover, an amazing guy with a family to be so proud of.  Mom is simply beautiful and the love on her face was so easy to capture.

So, I will quit the talk, and share what I love to do most.....

Meet Vincent

Congratulations, Mom and Dad!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Holiday Mini Session Series 2013 (PostDated)

I questioned even writing this post as these shoots were all part of my Holiday Mini Session series, but I just couldn't justify never sharing these beautiful families.  Most had been top secret during the holidays due to Christmas cards and gifts.  I had planned a share back in January (when it made sense!) but as life just kept going.  So forgive me for being so behind.

A HUGE thank you to all the families I captured over the holidays.  Some old friends, some returning clients, some brand new to the MoeCakes family - but all beautiful and unique in front of the camera.  I hope to see more than a few again in the next year.

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year.