Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Hope You Dance

The nickname "Moe" has never really fit my oldest daughter.  It was something we used from time to time "Ally-Moe" when she was younger, and then it grew into our family nickname once my second daughter, Lily Kate or "Lily Cakes"(as her sister called her), was born.  (Yup that's where MoeCakes originated.) 

Alison Noelle is her full name and I'm thankful that as she's grown it seems to compliment her artistic and creative personality.  Even as a youngster, she requested to be called Alison (not Ally) because, in her 2 year old speech impaired voice, "It is more beautiful, Momma".  

So when I got a chance a couple days ago to sit down and edit some of my personal pictures from the last few weeks, this group really struck a nerve...I guess you could call it the Mom-Nerve.  It's the nerve that shouts, "When did this happen?  Where has the time gone?"

You hear it all the time...."Enjoy the moment.  Before you know it, they are grown."  Now I'm not saying I'm seeing my first born walk out the door to college....I'm pretty realistic when it comes to the emotional side of my kids growing up.  But it's the small changes that I saw this go round that hit me....she's into the next "phase" of her childhood.  The little girl isn't really THAT little anymore.  You see, as a parent you're with your kiddos day in and day out.  You don't necessarily notice the slight changes and growth that is continually happening in front of you.  It's so easy get caught up in the mood changes and the attitude changes of your kids (you know, the changes that drive you nuts) as well as the changes in your own life, that you seem to overlook than those ever so slight changes until they hit you full force.  And I think this is just the way it is.  It's gradual - bit by bit - until the next SLAM.

Maybe it was the make-up - the costumes - the settings.  It just made me see what she will be one day...a beautiful young teenager, adolescent, woman.  And yup, it struck me.  When did she get so big?

It brought to mind a song, well known, and well over-played, but poignant nonetheless, especially between a mother and daughter.  It truly is the wish of every parent for their child.
And right now - it's for my Alison Noelle.

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder.
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger.
May you never take one single breath for granted.
GOD forbid love ever leave you empty handed.
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean.
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens.
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance.
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I Hope You Dance.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance.
Never settle for the path of least resistance.
Living might mean taking chances but they're worth taking.
Loving might be a mistake but it's worth making.
Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter.
When you come close to selling out reconsider.
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance.
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I Hope You Dance.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Full of Life: Meet the Fuhrman Family

I'm one of 5 kids.  Yup, you heard that right, FIVE kids.  I've often asked my they managed all 5 of us... I mean, I feel swamped most the time with two!  Their response is always the same.  Three is the hardest, because for the first time, the kids outnumber the parents.  After that, you're just adding to the chaos.

Well, I got to watch this theory play out during this GORGEOUS family's shoot.  (And I don't just mean they are a pretty bunch....they are a GORGEOUS family - inside and out.)  I know for a fact Mom nor Dad takes a bad picture (when lifting X# of lbs. in Crossfit or when chasing after their three munchkins, because I've seen both), and this shoot was no different.  Now add 3 kids, ages 4 and under.  Well, it definitely adds a new dimension to being flexible, but the parents rolled with the punches the entire time.  They were full of LIFE and I loved it!  It was a very active shoot, but as I promised Mom, we wrapped up with some more than worth it shots.

Don't be afraid that family sessions have to be "quiet and perfect"... because most of the time that's not the case!  And really, who wants it to be?  Remember, we are capturing the art of LIFE.  So enjoy all the chaos, tears, and laughter that LIFE brings!

Meet the Fuhrman Family
Thank you Fuhrman family! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mid-Week Mini: Meet Taylor & Porter

We've rescheduled this photo shoot more times than I can count.  Between coordinating schedules, this crazy weather, and sick kiddos...we finally said, rain or shine we are doing this!  And the weather couldn't have been more perfect.  There is so much personality in this family (parents included in that statement) that a lot of the shoot was simply me following the two stars around and letting them run the show.  I was simply there to please :-) ... and it worked.  Some of my favorite shots were actually captured afterwards at a local cafe.  Just goes to show, the not-so-typical location, can be a welcome change to "norm".

Meet Taylor & Porter